Thursday, August 26, 2010

On happiness...

Welcome to my blog! I'm glad you came to visit...

I thought that it was fitting for my first post to be about my new found HAPPINESS!

It's difficult to write about happiness. I mean, what is it really? We all have a different definition and different things that make us feel happy. I've always believed that my happiness was up to me and that I couldn't rely on others to bring me happiness on a silver platter. ...although... Wouldn't that be nice?

A few months ago, I was at a point in life where I was coasting. Not totally unhappy, but not totally happy either. Sure my home life was great, I had lots of friends, my social calendar was overflowing but when I left work at the end of the day I wasn't feeling engaged. I needed something more and I was starting to become (I hate admitting this) a little cranky. When I went to work, the enjoyment just wasn't there. I truly believe that happiness is an attitude and mine needed an adjustment.

In my career as a recruiter, I'm always working with people who are making changes in their careers. I find myself frequently telling others, "It's okay to make a change. Leaving a job doesn't mean you are a failure. If your goal is to find happiness and you have to quit something to meet that goal, aren't you really succeeding?"

Sooooo I decided to take a little of my own advice and I resigned from my position. SCARY!!!

This was a HUGE decision. What would I do next? Would anyone want to hire me? What if... what if... what if...

It ended up that my stars aligned and here I sit doing a job I love that is very similar to the one I had before and feeling 100% happy. I love my work, the people I deal with and seeing others have success. I got a much needed break and found out that I didn't need my job duties to change. I needed my work environment to change. I was indeed coasting and didn't realize how far I had gone until I touched the brakes and had a look around.

If you're coasting and unhappy, think about making a change and succeeding at happiness. It's the best thing I ever did!

... and from now on I`m not having Cornflakes for breakfast. I'm going to be having this cereal instead.